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Hotmix pro(意大利)

-优势品牌。公司经销代理意大利HOTMIXPRO 食物料理机,原厂新品,非常合理低价,更多请咨询客服。
Produced by Italian based company Vitaeco S.R.L., HotmixPRO is a highly innovative range of multifunction professional kitchen appliances loved and adored by top ranking chefs world-wide, such as the likes of three Michelin star chef Massimo Bottura.
With uniquely designed blades, HotmixPRO units have the ability to mix, chop, emulsify, homogenize, liquefy and blend all types of food more efficiently than ever. Famed for having 26 different speed coupled with an innovative heating and cooling system to cook and freeze food between -24C and 190C, HotmixPRO shortens processing times and provides a whole new level of refinement with perfect degree-by-degree temperature control.
HotmixPRO 由意大利公司 Vitaeco S.R.L. 生产,是一系列高度创新的多功能专业厨房电器,深受全球顶级厨师的喜爱和喜爱,例如米其林三星级厨师 Massimo Bottura。
凭借设计独特的刀片,HotmixPRO 装置能够比以往更高效地混合、切碎、乳化、均质、液化和混合所有类型的食物。 HotmixPRO 以拥有 26 种不同的速度以及创新的加热和冷却系统来烹饪和冷冻食物而闻名,该系统可以在 -24C 和 190C 之间烹饪和冷冻食物,HotmixPRO 缩短了处理时间,并通过完美的逐度温度控制提供了全新的改进水平。
官方网站: http://www.zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=415
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