优势品牌。公司经销带来意大利MORETTI FORNI 披萨饼炉,原装正品新品,非常合理低价 ,售后服务保障,更多型号资料价格请咨询客服。 Moretti Forni,The SmartBaking Company® Moretti Forni is the leading Company in the field of baking technologies for leavened products. Since 1946, our mission is to provide the perfect baking experience thanks to SmartBaking®: the ideal balance between innovation and tradition. Energy consumption and ecological imprint reduced by 30%: environmental protection is the agreement signed by the company. Moretti Forni 是发酵产品烘焙技术领域的领先公司。 自 1946 年以来,我们的使命是通过 SmartBaking® 提供完美的烘焙体验:创新与传统之间的理想平衡。能源消耗和生态印记减少 30%:环境保护是公司签署的协议。 官方网站: http://zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=245 分类浏览: |