————公司经销代理美国NEMCO系列西厨炉具,价格优惠,同时提供该品牌的相关零配件,更多型号价格请咨询客服。 Because no other name in food equipment offers you more ways to expand your menu, widen your margins and make more money. Every Nemco innovation is about bringing your signature menu ideas to life, maximizing your operation's efficiency and boosting your sales and profits. You'll find hundreds of these smart food equipment solutions right here on this site. But if you're still looking for something else, our engineers thrive on new challenges. So, call us. Either way, remember—your Nemco advantage also offers bend-over-backward support, custom merchandising, trouble-free performance and responsive service that is “quality redefined". 因为在食品设备领域没有其他名称可以为您提供更多方式来扩展您的菜单、扩大您的利润和赚更多的钱。 Nemco 的每一项创新都是为了将您的招牌菜单创意变为现实,最大限度地提高您的运营效率并提高您的销售额和利润。 您将在此站点上找到数百种此类智能食品设备解决方案。 但如果您仍在寻找其他东西,我们的工程师会迎接新的挑战。 所以,打电话给我们。 无论哪种方式,请记住——您的 Nemco 优势还提供全方位支持、定制销售、无故障性能和“重新定义质量”的响应式服务。 官方网站: http://zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=22 分类浏览: |