公司经销瑞典ORWAK垃圾粉碎压缩机,价格优惠,更多型号请咨询客服。 Smart solutions since 1971 Orwak is a world leader in compaction and baling solutions for solid waste materials at the source. We provide solutions for sorting and recycling waste materials that improve business efficiency, contribute to a cleaner working and natural environment; generating the best total waste handling economy. How can you benefit from it? Find out what an Orwak solution can do for you! 自 1971 年以来,Orwak 是固体废物材料源头压实和打包解决方案领域的全球领导者。我们提供废物材料分类和回收解决方案,可提高业务效率,促进更清洁的工作和自然环境;实现最佳的废物处理总体经济效益。您如何从中受益?了解 Orwak 解决方案能为您做些什么! 官方网站: 分类浏览: |