美国STAR 836TA 36"燃气扒炉
特征: Made of 1-inch-thick steel, the Star 836TA Ultra-Max® griddle's cooking plate resists warping as it repeatedly heats up and cools down. It has three burners placed every 12 inches that are controlled by a mechanical, snap-action thermostat, and this unit maintains a set temperature between 150 and 550 degrees Fahrenheit. The welded frame of the body provides structure, and the stainless steel exterior is durable with two metal knobs on the front. Splash guards keep the counter, equipment, and walls around the griddle clean, while grease and food particles are caught by the grease trough to minimize spills. Because the legs are adjustable, users can keep the Star 836TA griddle at a comfortable working height.
[品牌] STAR [型号] 836TA [单位] 台 [参考交货期] 10-12周