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Kamado Joe(美国)

The fire within a blaze-red Kamado Joe Grill isn’t just an ideal way to slow-roast, smoke, sear, or bake. Or a perfect way to cook moist, delicious meats, charred vegetables, and crispy pizzas. It’s also a remarkable way to relax. A powerful way to reconnect with family and friends. It’s a genuine, rewarding way to rekindle the simple pleasures of cooking with charcoal. An ancient, Asian-style grill, the kamado joe is a thick-walled cooker that imparts a rich, smoky flavor to meats, fish, and vegetables. Relatively unchanged for centuries, air flows through the grill's ceramic body, and out its vented dome, lump charcoal comes to life as smoke and heat. Kamado Joe is proud to draw on that tradition, modernizing the grill's classic style with unparalleled craftsmanship, innovative accessories, and a range of flexible cooking surfaces. Available in three different sizes - Classic Joe, Big Joe and Joe Jr.
火红的 Kamado Joe Grill 中的火不仅仅是慢烤、烟熏、灼烧或烘烤的理想方式。 或者是烹饪湿润、美味的肉类、烧焦的蔬菜和香脆比萨饼的完美方式。 这也是一种很好的放松方式。 一种与家人和朋友重新联系的有效方式。 这是一种真正有益的方式,可以重新点燃用木炭烹饪的简单乐趣。 kamado joe 是一种古老的亚洲风格烧烤炉,是一种厚壁炊具,可为肉类、鱼类和蔬菜带来浓郁的烟熏味。 几个世纪以来相对不变,空气流过烤架的陶瓷主体,从通风的圆顶流出,块状木炭以烟雾和热量的形式出现。 Kamado Joe 自豪地借鉴了这一传统,以无与伦比的工艺、创新的配件和一系列灵活的烹饪表面使烤架的经典风格现代化。 提供三种不同尺寸 - Classic Joe、Big Joe 和 Joe Jr。
官方网站: http://zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=636
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