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公司经销美国BLODGETT 相关产品,原装进口,非常合理低价更多请直接咨询我们
In 1848, Blodgett sold their first oven to a Vermont tavern owner, and a new era of cooking technology was born. Since then, the company has grown into a powerhouse as one of the Middleby Corporation brands, selling to businesses in countries all over the world. They've remained true to the goal that started it all: providing a high-quality commercial oven to every customer. No matter what kind of business you run, Blodgett ovens are sure to meet your needs.
Blodgett commercial ovens are perfect for any commercial kitchen, like those in restaurants, hotels, health care facilities, and school cafeterias. Their convection ovens also have fans that circulate the hot air to cook food quickly and evenly for more efficient preparation.
官方网站: http://zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=613
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