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Excalibur products are for individuals who cultivate a lifestyle of health and well-being. Products that are functional yet transformational, empowering you to alter the way you live, feel and nourish the body. Since 1973, Excalibur has consistently introduced advancements related to the mechanics of dehydration. In the process of perfecting dehydration, a legacy was born. Excalibur dehydrators are still manufactured with the same passion and performance values that defined the brand since its inception.
Excalibur 产品适用于培养健康和幸福生活方式的个人。 功能性且具有变革性的产品,使您能够改变您的生活方式、感受和滋养身体。 自 1973 年以来,Excalibur 不断引入与脱水机制相关的进步。 在完善脱水的过程中,遗产诞生了。 Excalibur 脱水机仍然秉承自品牌创立以来所定义的同样的热情和性能价值观。
官方网站: http://www.zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=487
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