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Prince castle (美国)

公司经销美国PRINCE CASTLE系列设备,原厂新品,非常合理低价,更多请咨询客服
The best kitchen innovations are inspired by a passion to simplify food preparation. At Prince Castle, our products stem from real experience in the kitchen and are developed by people who are passionate about making it easier and simpler to make great tasting food.

With our patented proprietary technologies and over 60 years of experience in the world’s leading restaurant brands, Prince Castle is the leader in holding, steaming, toasting, and smallwares technology. We bring value to our customers with solutions that solve the most difficult restaurant and kitchen challenges worldwide. Our trusted and reliable products enable operational efficiency, consumer and crew engagement, and flexibility to satisfy the ever changing needs and tastes of consumers. Prince Castle’s mission is to make the cooking experience enjoyable and more efficient.
官方网站: http://www.zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=454
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