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优势品牌。公司经销代理意大利ICB 的巧克力熔炉,原装正品新品,非常合理低价,售后服务保障。更多型号资料和价格请咨询客服
ICB Tecnologie srl is specialized in the production of machines for pastries and machines for chocolate.
The company is actively present in both the italian and international market, participating in the major trade fairs. Over the years, ICB Tecnologie srl has gained the respect of industry experts for its professionalism, technological evolution and constant attention to customers’ needs.
ICB Tecnologie srl 专业生产糕点机器和巧克力机器。该公司积极进军意大利和国际市场. 多年来,ICB Tecnologie srl 以其专业精神、技术进步和对客户需求的持续关注赢得了行业专家的尊重。
官方网站: http://zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=400
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