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IGF Italstampi, Giancarlo Fabbri was born in 1976, developing its activities in production of precision mechanics. Taking advantage of the "know how" so acquired, IGF began designing and manufacturing food processing machines, activities that take
preponderant size within the company. In 1994, members of the company by the same IGF
Fornitalia is a company with a great tradition behind it: the birth experience gained control of the heat, whose natural evolution has led to design and manufacture of pizza ovens.
IGF Italstampi, Giancarlo Fabbri 成立于 1976 年,主要从事精密机械生产。利用所获得的“专业知识”,IGF 开始设计和制造食品加工机器,这些活动在公司内部占据了主导地位。1994 年,同一家 IGF 旗下公司 Fornitalia 是一家拥有悠久传统的公司:诞生经验使公司掌握了热量控制,而这种控制的自然发展导致了披萨烤炉的设计和制造。
官方网站: http://https://zhaocaimall.com/brand.php?id=753


IGF  3200/LM32 压面机联4种制面刀

IGF 3200/LM32 压面机联4种制面刀

本店价 点图可见详细介绍
IGF  3200/LM32R 压面机联4种制面...

IGF 3200/LM32R 压面机联4种制面...

本店价 点图可见详细介绍
IGF  3200/LM42R 压面机联4种制面...

IGF 3200/LM42R 压面机联4种制面...

本店价 点图可见详细介绍
IGF  3200/LM42 压面机联4种制面刀

IGF 3200/LM42 压面机联4种制面刀

本店价 点图可见详细介绍
总计 4 个记录

备案号: 粤ICP备14078497号